Zedwork's Community-run Vanilla Minecraft server; always updated to the latest version of Mojang's vanilla Minecraft.
Founded by __Laurens__, now run by the Zriends, the Market provides a place to trade with other players. Shop plots are available on request, and all shops are protected from block-breaking.
Originally founded by luckyscharms323, now run by SneakySkeleton and the Zriends, the Nether Hub provides fast travel all across the world. Anyone may connect to the hub, though access from spawn is restricted to Zedlings (members) only. (Must play 15 hours on the server to gain Zedling status.)
Maintained by the community, this public farm is located near spawn and provides both new and regular players with food. Just remember to replant! ;)
The Council is a collection of Zedlings whom meet bi-weekly to organise community projects and events, whilst also highlighting any issues players have so they can be resolved. Meetings are open for all to attend, check out our forums for more details of the next meeting.
Be sure to read the rules before heading out.
Please join and HAVE FUN! ^_^