Welcome to PhoenixCraft!
Many of our players have been searching for a friendly survival server before calling us home. We're pretty close knit and get to know everyone.
You spawn with a kit (some stone tools, food, and leather armor) and you're ready to explore and build. You can use the stone shovel to right click the ground and claim where you want to protect yourself from griefing. The first chest you place is automatically protected. You can build anywhere 200 blocks outside spawn, as long as you respect other players builds.
We have warps listed at spawn so you can be spread out in the wilderness or you can just explore from spawn for a place to build. There are towns at /warp town and meadow.
We also reset The End each week and we have a public enderman farm that we replace after the End Dragon is killed. We also have vanilla quests and a secret world for when you've built your house and want to set off on an adventure. The first several quests are finished being designed, but later ones are still being built.
We want to maintain the gameplay of vanilla survival and have a great community, but we make sure there is always something extra to keep the server unique.
See you on the server or check out our website at http://phoenixcraft-mcpro.enjin.com if you'd like more info!