CrafterMaster Survival
CrafterMaster is a family friendly, PvE server. You do not have to worry about Spawn killers because pvp is disabled, we have staff that are always willing to help no matter what. We love new people and welcome them like they have always been apart of our server family. If you have a problem our staff are very quick at sorting out problems so you can always ask them, we pride ourselfs on rewarding players on there creativity and minecraft knowledge. We do competitions and we reward our players with ingame perk's, so if you cant afford to donate you can enter a competition and get some ranks or items/kits.
Rule 1. No hacking, Rule 2. No abusing glitches, Rule 3. No Griefing, Rule.4 No Raiding, Rule.5 No disrespecting staff, Rule.6 Do not cause Arguments, Rule.7 No Racism, Rule.8 No Homophobic language, Rule.9 No sexual Content, Rule.10 Everyone is equal, treat people that way!