Why join this server? Three points which make The Unknown truly unique:
1. The community. We promote diversity and a welcoming and friendly environment. We use common sense and a set of open guidelines. To find out more, read the Code of Conduct on our website.
2. Democracy. On most servers, one or a few people have absolute power over the server. On The Unknown, all players can make changes to the server and vote which changes should be accepted and which ones shouldn't. The server is a community effort: it's managed by everyone, not one person; and everyone has equal voting rights. To find out more, read the Decision-making Policy on our website.
3. Transparency. The configuration of the entire server and all of its plugins are publicly accessible. Everyone can review what the server is doing. To find out more, have a look at the server's code and at the Privacy Policy on our website.
Thank you for taking the time to read about our server. We look forward to seeing you online!