Welcome to Reality³ Creative/Survival Server!We're playing 1.20.1Play in survival for only 15 minutes (to get established) then you will be able to /rankup to the Adventurer rank which has creative!This Paper Survival server has been open since 2014. We are a community-based server with a variety of ranks and constant updates in-game. We also allow bedrock players to join!IMPORTANT INFO:Server IP: Reality3MC.mcserv.funBedrock IP Adress: Reality3MC.mcserv.fun:25565Discord server: DiscordOur server has an active discord with game chat directly in discord. Join the discord: HerePlugins You Can Enjoy!
⬥ Creative/Survival Gamemodes⬥ McMMO⬥ Jobs⬥ Chairs⬥SimpleblackJack⬥ Emotes⬥ Casino⬥ GriefDefender
*Plugins get added and updated all the time, there are a lot more than what's on this list and this list may not be accurate because plugins can change!
FAQ: What if I want to make an automatic farm and go AFK?
• Go for it!
Do you want to play on your own and not feel obligated to talk to anyone?
• No problem! We respect your rights as a human to privacy.
Did you find an abandoned place and want to make it yours?
• We have protection in place to claim your land so if its unclaimed, then its free for anyone.
Are you new to Minecraft but are too scared to ask for basic game help?
• Don't worry. We all have been there. It is an honour for us to be part of you gaining your skills.
This server has multiple worlds including a flatland. It's simple to claim land and just as easy to get in game money to buy land to keep your builds safe. Oh, by the way... no map resets! We do a currency reset every month and the richest person gets their name in spawn!