Up for a challenge? No Nonsense offers a unique RPG-inspired twist on superflat gameplay.
- Superflat overworld with auto-regenerating villages and plenty of space for land claims. All blocks and most mob types are available.
- Hard gameplay with enhanced combat mechanics. Unprotected inventory items are lost on death. Base difficulty is tougher than vanilla hard mode.
- 30+ dungeons to raid, featuring traps, puzzles, bosses, and fancy loot.
- 200+ challenges, ranging from easy to jaw-droppingly difficult.
- Discover unique equipment and artifacts to enhance your stats and gain new abilities.
- Custom quality of life features — automatic item sorting, bags of holding, HUD, and more.
- Server resource pack that adds sounds and item textures.
- New features added regularly, plus weekly build challenges and seasonal events.
- Established, friendly community.
- Never pay-to-win.