1.19 - 1.8.
PrisonGames es un prison único en su tipo, tiene un pvp característico, en el cual podras jalar a tus enemigos para que no escapen (CLAWS) podrás ametrallar a tus rivales con una rafaga de flechas (GUNS) y cuando veas que estas en peligro de morir, solo hará falta de tomar una medicina que te revitalice instantaneamente (MEDICINE). ADEMAS cada rango apartir del F existe un mob super fuerte, al que tenemos que derrotar, y seremos recompensados con un alrededor de 50 items rpg o mas!
PrisonGames is a unique prison of its kind, it has a characteristic pvp, in which you can pull your enemies so they do not escape (CLAWS), a weapon game with a burst of arrows (Guns) and when you see that you are in danger of die, just need to take a medicine that revitalizes you instantly (MEDICINE). ALSO every rank from F there is a super strong mob, which we have to defeat, and we will be rewarded with a total of 50 items rpg or more!