IP: Dangerzone.minehut.gg
Discord: discord.gg/qSNvvH978f
We're an SCP server with working guns, keycards and departments that require you to pass an application like the Scientific Department, Security Department and the Mobile Task Forces.
You are a test subject referred to as a Class-D in a secret underground lab ran by the SCP Foundation. The SCP Foundation is tasked with Securing, Containing and Protecting SCPs which are anomalous objects that violate the laws of nature. To understand these SCPs more the Scientific Department uses Class-D's to do testing on SCPs.
Then there is the Security Department, they make sure the Class-D's behave and don't escape from the facility.
Also there are the Mobile Task Forces which has different Task Forces who each have their own assignment. They mainly handle recontainment of SCPs, combat against hostile groups and general site security.
One of the hostile groups is the Chaos Insurgency, which if you escape the facility as a Class-D you can join them. They fight against the SCP Foundation to take the SCPs for themselves.
There's also a secret department that is highly classified, the Internal Security Department. They make sure all the other departments keep in line, and they deal with any rogue personnel or traitors.
The choice is yours to make. You can be a Class-D and go along with the experiments or try escaping the facility. You can also work for the SCP Foundation, be a scientist and do experiments or be a guard and make sure the test subjects behave. Or join the Mobile Task Forces, and complete dangerous operations. And if you do especially well in a department, maybe the Internal Security Department will offer you to work for them.