This server is ran by one person so if there any bugs or lag or anything that effect your play Experience let me know in my discord and also if you have any ideas of what I can add let me know and ill try to add them in the next server update. If the server is down it ether A. I'm updating it or B. the server hosting that I'm using is down or I need to find another server hosting place. Please do not beg or cheat. You can use journey map and pixelmon information's. Please do not use any x ray if you I find out that your using them then you'll may be ban for a few days to a few weeks depending on how many time you been you been banned before if you keep on using hacked clients or even x ray you will be ban for up to 1 year or even longer . I will do special even that allow you to use x ray and other mods like that. If you have any ideas of what I can do for events let me know in my discord. I think I said it already but if you have any bugs or issues please try to keep in mind that I'm only one person and need time to fix or solve something. thank you for reading and please follow the rules that are on my discord