Towny world
Elite Mob Adventure and StoryMode Worlds
Custom Quests/Crates/Shops
Jobs Reborn
custom enchants
and a bunch of other custom modifications to make the server fun and attractive to all seasoned players!
When you first join expect to see a quick tutorial area with helpful signs/books and NPC to give you a better idea how the server works. Complete the NPC quest at the end to gain access to your first rank and the rest of the server to start your adventure! Use /warp for an easy way to get around. You will already have access to keep inventory on death, /back /sethome. Join or start a town and many other commands and features you would normally get from advanced ranks. The goal of the server is to have a survival feel with plugins that take the ordinary and make them extraordinary!
Our server is free to play not pay to win! We will never ask for money.