Welcome to Dysania! We are a political roleplay server containing many fun features, such as guns, vehicles, and more! Dysania is made up of countries, much like the real world. There are many nations on Dysania. Many countries are open to accepting new members, so just check ask if you are unsure of where to go. If you would like to start your own nation, feel free to do that too. Many nations are also open to alliances with new nations, which can be extremely beneficial to your newfound country. If you have not already joined our discord server, please do so. You must join the discord server in order to begin the vetting process.
Please note that you MUST be on the discord in order to be whitelisted on the server. The whitelisting process is simple and quick, and is mainly used to make sure that we know that every player is a member of the discord. Making sure that every player is on the discord ensures that the political roleplay aspect of the server can function smoothly, and that players can easily contact other players if necessary.