Hello and welcome to Redssserver! On this server you can play Survival, Modded Survival, and Creative! Yes it's a minigame server and I will eventually post and make new game as well! Just go to events to see if we made a new game! Creative has lots of plots and there's a score board on the side to tell you whos plot your in and shows your rank and also shows who that player trusted and added! Survival is just normal survival and it is completely Vanilla Survival! If you like Survival with addons or mods you should join Modded Survival (also you don't need to install any mods to join)! and we also have parkour at the lobby! I don't see why you should not join my server. So come on and join and you may even be the first one! Also Redssserver does have ranks and the first three people who join will get the highest buyable rank! So come join today and have this fun experience with your friends or maybe just yourself!