What we aim to achieve.
A friendly enviorment to make friends and have some fun building in Minecraft. We have created a server for people who enjoy building and meeting new people without the worry of griefing in their Minecraft experience.
We have the classic look and feel of a vanilla server, but we have carefully selected a few plugins which take nothing away from the core game play and instead only boost security and bring peace of mind to our players.
The server runs Bukkit with a very small selection of back-end plugins to ensure our players don't have to worry about the problems faced in normal vanilla servers (lets face it, it can be frustrating). Every plugin we have is there to help us make sure you have an enjoyable experience playing on our server.
We do have a "grey" list which means you are free to log into the server as a guest and have a look around. You will not be able to build in the Main world until you apply below or on our website http://furiouscraft.com