This text is currently being updated to something more inviting to players :)
In the mean time, here's a brief about the server:
PickleCraft is a relatively old name these days and has been operating on and off since the alpha days on Minecraft. We're currently in the process of an overhaul of the server (including migrating to a new dedicated server) and plan on expanding into other areas such as modded Minecraft and MC:PE servers, Different gamemodes and so on. We have a ranking system themed around our name (Cucumber, Pickle, Relished, Dedicated, Donator Ranks, Moderator & Admin).
Currently we offer the following plugins for use on our server are mcMMO, iConomy, mcJobs, Essentials, Survival Games (Not yet set up, but is in the works), Lottery, AutoRank (Only for Cucumber -> Pickle, requires 7 hours of game play), Towny, MobArena, LWC Protections, ChestShop, Auctions, CraftBook, And more to come!
We have a functional website where you can find links for voting, our rules, forum links and an extended about us section which outlines our history. We're currently a small community due to some DDoS issues we had prior to our re-opening late last year.
So, if you want to join us, connect via the address picklecraft.net and stay for a while! :)