HerobrineYTgames here, the owner of Herobrine PVP! We Have more things than mentioned on the banner, we have Factions,Creative,KitPVP,and minigames! At The Moment we have zombie invasion, in which there are two teams, infected and survivors, and the survivors survive for 3 minutes while the infected tries to kill them. Now if you are seeing this post in recent servers, that means that I am most likely online right now! If we get at least 10-20 players on at once, we will have a kitpvp tournament! In each level, I will increase the power of the kit used. Join now though! This will only happen when I am online! But first off I would like to point out this, from our advertising we have revived a lot of requests for staff. All Of these requests will be denied for the following reasons: 1.We have enough staff
2.People who staff hunt are most likely to grief the server. How do I know? I used to do it. (Dont judge me)
Now If you go into talking trash about the server because you did not get staff, this will lead to a permanent ban, because if you don't like the server, then why play on it. If you go into breaking rules, but dont end up talking trash about the server. You will not be eligible to apply for staff and you will receive the punishment for breaking that rule.
Now that we have that out of the way. I hope you will join our server and have some fun!
UPDATE: The Server Now Supports Client Versions 1.8-1.11.2
Other News: We Are Now Accepting Applications for: Developer, Builder, Helper, and Advertiser!