Welcome to MCForest! - /fly enabled for everyone! - 17k by 17k world size
| Join our community server and complete quests with friends, explore the vast terrain, and build with fly mode! |
Quests | Keep Inv | 300+ Biomes | Custom Items | Player Shops | Custom Mobs | Custom Terrain Gen | Friendly Community | Land Claim | Jobs | Unique Features | Much More! |
Versions 1.9. - 1.12. |
Website: MCForest.net |
Join with your friends to explore and build in the vast custom generated survival world. Create a town with friends using, explore to find new biomes, explore and complete numerous quests with your friends to earn loot, and fight through custom-created mobs and enemies! Create your own player shops, and feel free to branch out and create towns and cities for other players to live in!
Have fun!