Welcome to Pixelmon: Crimson Legacy!
Earn commands such as /fly, /breed, /pokeheal, and more as you play on the server! Earn special ranks such as the PokeMaster and Champion rank by completing your PokeDex or by taking on the player gyms!
Currently, Pixelmon: Crimson Legacy is largely a "Survival" server, with a storyline in development!
Still can't decide if you would like to join? Here's some features we have:
• Gameshark is ALLOWED!
• Rank up and get goodies by completing your PokeDex!
• Obtain the CHAMPION rank by defeating all 8 Player Gyms! (Once gyms release)
• Purchase Pixelmon Modifier Tokens with in-game currency!
• Experience better breeding! (No requirements! Each egg only takes 10 minutes to produce!)
• Free EV and Level Training Hot Spots for EVERYONE!
• 6IV Shiny Starter Pokemon!
• Brand New Server! Open Beta release date was 03/19/2023!