What do you get when you take ATM7 modpack running on Minecraft 1.18.2 and add in some vanilla Minecraft plugins to enhance gameplay and make things just a tad more interesting?
Well, something truly awesome! Come check out Awesome Sauce MC Server now! Release of the world (fresh generation of the overworld was roughly 4/15/23).
With the combination of plugins we can host a economy, factions, shops, minigames, PVP worlds, and peaceful ATM7 worlds all from the same server!
To play go to curse forge and download "ATM7 modpack" launch Minecraft and select the ATM7 from the options. Once it loads, it takes a LONG time, select multiplayer, and add server as "awesomesaucemcserver.duckdns.org:25567"
Follow this link for the Curse Forge information:
Disclaimer, I am a sole creator of this server and it takes time!! Please be patient with me and let me know of any thing you love, dislike, or want improvements on. I do this in my spare time and wanted to try and provide something unlike any other server out there.