MineScrolls Online Modpack!
The MineScrolls RPG is an adventure for you and you're friends to tackle with endless hours of content! This modpack is still in beta but we wanted to get people playing asap so let us know if you find any bugs!
The Story:
You wake up in a world similar yet different to the one you know. How did you get here what does it mean? You explore in hopes of finding some answers. Luckily you come across what seems to be humans except they don't speak any language you've ever heard of but they seem very interested in you & where you came from so you decide to live there until you figure out exactly what's going on. After some time the villagers start to trust you and tell you about the dark magic that has taken over their land. Is this why you're here? Will you fight for the village and save this world or will you use the power you gain on your adventure to take over this world?
How To Join:
While we are currently in the process of posting our modpack to CurseForge in order to play.
FIRST you have to install fabric mod loader (https://fabricmc.net/use/installer/)
THEN you will need to download the mods folder (https://www.mediafire.com/file/sy48cm82ng9is6x/MineScrolls_Mods.rar/file)
NOW drag all the mods into your own mods folder located wherever .minecraft is installed on your computer boot up your game enter the server IP and you're good to go!