Bienvenido a AmaruGamma! Un servidor en el que contamos con un Towny Chill y una comunidad que te recibirá con los brazos abiertos, actualmente ya incluimos, Quests, Skills, Mobs e Items Custom y mucho más por venir!
También tenemos compatibilidad con Bedrock! Qué esperas? Únete a AmaruGamma!
Compatibilidad con Bedrock
IP JAVA: amarugamma.holy.gg
IP BEDROCK: na18.holy.gg
Puerto: 19511
AmaruGamma is a Minecraft Towny server for players who speak Spanish. It also features quests, skills, mobs, and custom items, with much more yet to come! Its cross-play support makes it possible to join from both Java and Bedrock. Bedrock players can join the server using "na18.holy.gg" as the IP and "19511" as the port.