DarkWater SMP 24/7
Very simple basic SMP with added plugins for added difficulty for Minecraft latest version.
Plugins list:
GriefPrevention Siege
Lifesteal SMP
HarderMobs (Armoured Mobs)
Simple VoiceChat
How To Play
Players are encouraged to work together and or build/survive their nations and towns to their will. Everytime you die you will lose a heart and after you lose all you will perish. PVP is enabled and so is voicechat. All players have equal commands and permissions and there are no ranks. If you die you may be revived with a revive beacon or you may simply craft more hearts to survive. There are no rules apart from senseless griefing, you may raid and steal if you need but it is not encouraged. Each town will have its own laws depending on player activity.