What is Slime Throne and why should you join it? Slime Throne is a carefully crafted kingdom server with custom GUI's, GUI artwork, custom prefix artwork that goes beside your name in chat, buyable cosmetics made with Armourer's Workshop... "But someone can pay to look cooler than me?" Well not exactly. You see, we're going to have raid bosses. These bosses will drop cosmetics added through the ItemsAdder plugin. ItemsAdder can add a lot cooler stuff than anything you can make with Armourer's Workshop. To fight the raid boss you'll have to farm mobs and they have a chance at dropping a key, you can also buy these keys, but will still have to fight the raid boss. The keys open the door to an instanced dungeon with a party of up to 4, or you can go solo.
No PAY TO WIN! None. No reset scrolls inside of crates or anything like that.
Plushies! We'll have crates that will give you a chance at a Tensura themed plushy! Balloons! The crate will also give you a chance at a Tensura themed balloon. Every plushy set and every balloon set comes with a galaxy version that has a 1% drop rate... heheh. That is how we monetize. NO PAY TO WIN.
Start your own kingdom, build your own legacy, rule the server. Go to war and earn rewards. Both parties who go to war will earn rewards to encourage actual war.