Banana S’mores – The Friendliest & Happiest Adult Minecraft on Earth!
At Banana S’mores, we do our best to maintain an enjoyable, respectful, mature, adult-focused, friendly, interactive, supportive, helpful and collaborative atmosphere for our members. Our goal is to have FUN with our members, and not at the expense of our members. Our members tell us over and over that the Banana S’mores environment is the friendliest Minecraft server they have been on, and they are now for the first time, able to fully embrace and enjoy the depth of the Minecraft “Survival Mode” that supports the creative builds of our members (not to be confused with the Minecraft ‘Creative Mode’) as well as the collaborative experience that was missing on other servers. Both a great learning environment for beginners and a dream-come-true for advanced users, we have server settings set to “hard difficulty” to enhance the user build and interaction experience. Read more at http://BananaSmores.com/about-banana-smores !