What Is LethalTactics?
LethalTactics is a bukkit sever that was started by one man and a dedicated vps server in Dallas, Texas. LethalTactics was started because one person, RogueCmdr, was tired of being put down by the man. So He developed a new type of server. A survival server where admins are very nice to you. We Love to always add plugins seeing how we use bukkit. We were one of the first 1.0.0
Bukkit Minecraft servers.
Does LethalTactics use any Economy System?
Yes. We use Iconomy. We use this because, we see it as the best economy plugin for the players. It also comes with the great Chest Shop Plugin.We also have the official market at spawn with almost all the blocks in the game (sign interactive shop system).
Vote For Diamonds Here: http://www.lethaltactics.net