Minelink offers a variety of game modes to satisfy your Minecraft addiction. We are a friendly community with full-time custom development and a very active and helpful staff. Be sure to drop by and say hello, the owners are online every day and can be often found casually chatting.
Realize your dreams in a spacious 128x128 plot (or several plots) on our Creative server, where you can build to your heart's desire and show off your creations. Vote daily to unlock access to WorldEdit and unleash your full creative potential!
If you're looking for action, immerse yourself in a world of deception and war, unforgiving and governed by survival of the fittest. Factions is a competitive battlefield full of PVP, raiding, and betrayal. Not many have what it takes to survive in this violent power struggle.
Head over to the Cannon server and test a cannon that you want to use against a base you found on Factions, or test a new idea you had for a base defense, all in creative mode! Vote daily for access to WorldEdit and DispenserTools.