Yo, if you've ever played on a drug themed server and thought "man these cops are f***in corrupt", or thought "man this staff sucks a**", well then do we have good news for you!
On our drug server, players use democracy to vote other gang members into leadership positions who then get to suggest new staff or hand pick cops weekly. That's right, you can either run for your gangs leader position yourself or you can vote for another member in your gang to be your gangs leader, and on top of that you get to pick who from your gang has the police ran--
HEY!.. let me continue,
OK so basically our staff doesn't suck a**, meaning that we have actually beta tested our features and only want to release the best content that we can provide. I mean, we've probably spent like a thousand godd**n hours programming this thing, and nearly just as much time testing it.
So if you think you can cut it with us, come check us out.. Be warned, if you're an idiot you may not make it through the tutorial. Let's call it our 'built-in-noob-filter', complements of the staff.
Now you might have some questions, like can you make your own gang? And the answer is no, this isn't stupid a** factions. This is a whole other level, cribs can only be placed around each gangs HQ and the gangs HQ automatically expands depending on how many members are active. Destroying the other gangs beacon will win your gang special perks and time based bonus's that will help all your fellow members make more $.
Anyways, enough with the little details, come on and check it out to see what else we have to offer.