Looking for a server to call home where everybody knows your name?
A smaller, Rated PG, Family Friendly server filled with other Minecraft Nerds?
The server is currently offering PvP/PvE Survival worlds with land claiming, base/chest protections.
There is a Survival world economy, with server and player stores. PVP, PVE, and Raiding are all allowed, so protect your builds. Our main rules are no ads, no mod, no hacks and no swearing.
There is a PvP Hub for those who just want combat! And we also offer a Creative World with land claiming and protected builds for those who want a more peaceful Minecraft experience.
We have a Discord Server that is linked to our in game server chat.
Join at https://discord.gg/rrqpbPY
Lastly, we have a Server Facebook group.
Join at thttps://www.facebook.com/groups/Nerducopiadoesminecraft/